If you have any idea or questions, then feel free to drop me a line and i will see what i can do to help you out. You can also view or post at the eve-forum post here
Im unsure which error it is that you have found? you can not self correct it, but let me know which error it is, then i will make sure to correct it in the next version. Then you ask if you can update the bill of material? Yes, you can update them from Eve-centeal, by clicking Update. if you are using an old excel or OpenOffice, then your only option is to manually enter the prices. You do that in the DATA sheet in this tool.
very time i try to open it it say it needs to repaired then i get this report. Removed Part: /xl/vbaProject.bin part. (Visual Basic for Applications (VBA))
It is not the first time i hear of this problem, but i never hear anyone saying that they found a solution to it. My guess is that the VBA used in office for a Real computer, is different than in a macbook. I do not have a Mac, so i have no way of testing it i'm afraid.
Hi o/ Thanks for your awesome spreadsheet, it's really useful ;)
I'm running into a weird issue, in the T2_Items sheet, the produktions need numbers are not matching my manual calculations. For exemple : http://i.imgur.com/yuOhV.png Still new to industry, maybe there are some hidden mechanism i'm not aware of, but if you could look into it, it'll be great :p
Hi Antoine It would be simple if it was like that, but there are so many factors playing in here. I think the difference you see is because of the RAM. you only only use somewhere from 60-95% of them, therefore the minerals are not exactly *36
I had an error saying "The Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macros in this workbook are corrupted and have been deleted. The macro corruption most likely exists in the current file. To recoiver the macros, open a backup copy of this file if you have one."
solution should anyone get this error is that your VBA component in Excel is not installed. You need to install it from the 'customize installation' option in your office install (add/remove components)- this should allow macro's to work.
Is there any way I could get an open source VBA script? I wouldn't use it for publishing but I am a decent VBA programmer and would like to do some custom things but don't want to have to redo what you have done if you're willing to share.
I keep getting the run-time error 2147217376 (80041020)and i have tried the fix in the FAQ section a few times but to no avail, it also says underneath the runtime error - XML Parse Error. The program was working fine for me yesterday but since i upgraded to windows 8 this is all i have been getting.
Hi. Under T2 items, co-processor II does not seem to show the correct items. i.e. it is missing Oscillator capacitor unit and photon microprocessor from the bill of materials
Hi Smith Its a bit strange that you get the same error in all 3 of those installations of Office. The error you get is related to the "Visual Basic for Applications" not being installed in your Office version. If you look in the FAQ nbr 7, then you will find a solution that has helped others with the same problem you have.
hi there is a eve server running in China,and some our guys host a market price api just the same as eve-central(http://www.ceve-market.org/api/marketstat) is there any possible a China version tool released?maybe just api domain need be changed. thanks~
Hi. it didnt take as long to add as i expected. So you will have the option to select the eve-central server or China server, in the release i upload for Odyssey next week.
The China server option worked ~ It's just that the price not seems very close to the market,maybe because the China version market is much smaller than global sever made the difference... some price displayed as 0.00 ,i don't know the api problem or the sample mistake..
Hi It is as you say that the China market are too small. It is not a problem with the sheet or the API, there are just simply no statistic data to collect.
First let me say THANK YOU!!!! I just found your Industrial Tool, and let me tell you - for a new player like myself, this is truly a magnificent tool (I can only imagine how powerful it is in the hands of someone who actually know what he's doing).
One question though, and I may be doing something wrong here, I don't know: I want to build a frigate, so I go out and buy a BPC. I have some of the materials needed in the station hangar, so I enter what I have in T1 Production sheet under Minerals in stock. The numbers get crunched, stuff gets filled in. All ok so far. The Build price also gets filled in, BUT without taking into consideration the stuff I already have (as if I have nothing, and have to buy everything off market). When I type in the Sell Price, the profit margin is tiny, and unrealistic (whatever I paid for the missing minerals was not that expensive after all). Am I doing something wrong?
HI Tiberiu there could be more than one reason to the high build price you are seeing. But to me it sounds as if you count the minerals in you hangar as value=0 As you could sell those minerals, then they do have a value. So the tool always give you the build price based on all minerals needed to build the ship or item. The build price is based on the material price selected, which can be either: Own, Sell, Buy or Avg. The last 3 are imported from eve-central, and are sometimes not very accurate, so for you to get the most correct and accurate build price, then i would advice you to find out what you could sell/buy the minerals at, and and put that material price in the Data sheed under OWN price,and then base production build price on that. I write sell or buy price above, as you can find 1mill forum posts, where people ague if it is more correct to use one or the other, to calculate the build price. I wont try to convince you buy or sell price, as you will make money as long as you sell the item for more than the price you bought the minerals at.
Hi dedaf, first thx for this great tool. But i get at "pop_Production" when i do "update" a error: "Laufzeitfehler '9' - Index out of range do you know, what i do wrong?
Hi I have never seen that error before. Try to download the sheet again and see if you still get it. Or contact me in game and let see what we can find.
I'm still getting MVB run time error 2147217376. I've tried follow FAQ 7 but it's not working. I'm using Microsoft office 2013 if that makes any differents.
Been using your app now for a few years, have to just say great work man keep it up! Hopefully you can get this problem solved seem alot of people are getting it.
Hey I have just uploaded a new version that should have removed the error 2147217376. The error seems to be because of a change CCP did to the API system, on the 24th of June. Before if you had a blank or incorrect API in the Data sheet, you would just get a blank character lookup. But now after the change CCP did, you get an error message. This is what excel doesnt like. So i have now added a string, that ignore this kind of error. So please download the latest version, this should remove the problem you are seeing.
hi is it compatible of OFFICE 2013pro? one of our guys meets xml error with the latest version (15.1.9a)using office 2013pro. is there anyone have the same error? thanks~
Hi thangs again for a wonderful tool. I gues you have a lot of correcting and finnishing do do each time ccp expands.. and i just want to say how mutch that is aprishiated. I notised a litte miscalculation on the Widow.. The Capital Jump Drive Component is missing..
Hey Yes it seem i have missed something on those ships. Will have to reconfigure the tool for adding those extra components. I hope i can have it in the next version.
great tool thank you, on the T3 production it is setting the price of melted nanoribbions a 1 isk, is there a way to fix it, the data screen is correct.
hi No there isnt much to do about it, its a bug in the statistic from Eve-Central. All you can do is to use Own price, and enter the price statistic manually.
Hi Dark Yes the Ore To Mine tool, should be up to date with Odyssey. This tool is linked directly to the Ore mining sheet, so the numbers should be right. But since you asked, I some time to check it up. doing so made me come up with another way to calculate which ore to mine. So keep en eye out for the next release, as it has a better calculator. But please let me know what it is you think is not correct? an ill see if i can fix it,
Will you even add a capital compression tool that will say tell us if we want to build a ME5 Nyx how many t1 mods will need to be build to have the least waste?
I have been working on a compression sheet, but i have never found a way to make it, to be fully satisfied. So I'm sure at some point i will have a release, but there are no time frame.
I just started with this spreadsheet and I am having some trouble. On the Data sheet, after entering my API key and KeyID info, I get "Runtime Error 1004. The password you supplied is not correct.
The spreadsheet imports my character information correctly (from what I can see). Have I missed something in the configuration. I and using Excel 2013 so I'm not sure if that is the problem.
I have had people commenting about this issue in 2013. Some say that you shouldn't use the "update all" or was it "Restore all" function. Maybe you could test if you can locate when it goes wrong. I would also be very interested in getting a copy of the sheet you have with the Runtime Error 1004, to see if i will get the same error when i open it, and maybe that way find out how to solve it. I do not have 2013 myself, so its difficult for me to investigate this error. But please send me a mail ingame, then we can exchange e-mails, so i can get a copy of the broken file. thanks
It seems to be a bug in Excel 2013, related to password protected sheets. You can read more about it here: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/26dc05a3-f272-4292-91cb-688a3fc5200b/excel-vba-containing-passwords-is-failing-2013?forum=exceldev
I will see if i can modify my tool to get around this Excel bug. I will let you know when i upload a version with the modification.
I have just uploaded version 15,9,5a. It is just a minor change, that i have done, to see if 2013 users are still getting the password error. Could you try it out, and let me know if you are still getting the same error? thanks
After getting more reports of the runtime 1004 password error, i have been doing a more extensive test of the tool, and found a problem with some of the market price update keys, for example in the Station, T3 and Capital tool. The errors should now be corrected in version 16.0.7
Yes in the next version, but you will need a CORP APIkey, and your character need to be director or CEO. I will soon upload the version that support Corp office and POS hangars.
downloaded the version, after restore all, i did update all and when update have been finished all buttons have gone ( in "Data" tab )
I verified the "T2 items" i can select character then station or From: some pos module and then some division, but i cant select From: 'as station where the corp have office"
Strange why the keys would disappear.. You need to have a corp APIkey, and your character need to be director or CEO, to be able to import Corp hangars. See FAQ5 for how it is created.
Dedaf the tool looks quite promising but I simply cannot get the data import to work.
I keep getting the same run-time error Run-time error '-2147217376 (80041020)': XML Parse Error
I am running windows 7 X64 MS office 2007 Pro.- i updated it all
I tried using FAQ 7 but the message says that the VBA will be INSTALLED even when you select to uninstall it. I did three different complete re-installs to verify and no matter what I cannot get it to pull any data.
I checked my firewall, looked at the website calls but it just does not seem to want to collect any data.
When I leave the options empty I get a run-time error 13.
Is there a problem with the market price update ? The prices are not the same as in eve-central.
For example: On eve-central the sell in Jita for platinum is 4992.64 On the sheet it shows 5529.00 Buy order for Platinum in Jita is 4803.99 The sheet shows 4127.72
Hi It depends on which value you use from the feed. This is the eve-central feed for Platinum: http://www.eve-central.com/api/marketstat?typeid=3727 My tool use the "median" as I have found, they are the closest to the ingame prices. It could seem that the other statistic you referr to is using the "avg" price.
You could also help Eve-central, by uploasing market statistic from your region. You can download the market uploader here: http://dev.eve-central.com/contribtastic/start
I really like the idea of how it automatically grabs your inventory, and also the new shopping list. I have a problem with the inventory though, as it fails to grab my T2 components. For example, in my main station I have Minerals and several T2 ship components such as Gravimetric Sensor Clusters. The sheet picks up my Minerals, but not the Sensor Clusters. I can get Hypersynaptic Fibers to appear if I widen the scope to all stations, but not if I use the station where I actually have them. Since I can no longer manually enter how many I have, it is making production harder. My API has Asset List checked, and it is obviously picking up some of my inventory, just not all of it.
Hey I have looked in to the problem, and it seems there was a bug in the typeID lookup in the T2 Ship production. I have corrected this bug and uploaded version 16.1 Please try to download that one and see if it works for you. Let me know how it goes?
16,1 does fix it for the Construction Components. But it still seems to be broken for "Composites" such as Crystalline Carbonide and Ferrogel. Though that may be because I moved those components to my item hanger and then updated the sheet immediately. Maybe the API needs longer to catch up.
Also, the text that appears above the status bar has a misspelled word. It should be "being" instead of "beeing".
I am a bit unsure which sheet you are referring to, is it only the T2 Ship production Tool? Have you tried if it works in the T2 Item tool? Since it works when you set it to All Stations, then the lookup does work. I'm thinking, maybe you have things all over in space? at this moment i only support up to 50 personal stations. In the Data sheet you can see the personal and Corp hangar cache timer, so if you moved your things around, then it can take up to 6 hours for them to appear. The spelling mistake, in which tool is that? Thanks
I just did some more investigation in to this problem and it turns out, that you could run in to the problem you describe with lag of item import if you are using a character on you 2nd API. I will have to do alot of changes to all the Tools, that are using asset import, so i dont know when i will upload a version with the fix. but i will let you know when i have it ready. For now try to swop the two API keys, to see if it solves the problem at hand?
The spreadsheet is amazing. Thank you. Do you ever take requests from the community to work on other sheets? I would really like some help setting up a trading sheet and would be willing to pay isk or rl currency for it.
hi Im glad you like the tool. Yes I always like to see or listen to good ideas, that is how the invention tool and shopping list was created. So if you have a basic sheet to show me, then that would be great. Then i can see if its something i want to implement. As I cant promise, that I will build it, but I'm always up to a talk.
is there a way to manual put in the minerals(in stock numbers) i find it realy non functional that its only api based since i have multiple stashes around eve on diferrent corps
also with the compresion tool it would be cool to add a block where you can write down the number of items you already have in stock
What can't seem to find is where I have to look when I want to calculate materials for fuel blocks. Are these in there? And if so, where do I find them?
Hey Dedaf Thangs again for a wonderfull tool... I seam to have a little issue with assets..Under T2 ship production (Vargur or any T2 ship) I get the Ore Minerals in stock assets and adv. Moon Minerals in stock imported from api key, but not the Components in stock...I am Using a Character that is a Director and have both corp and character full API key in the data sheet... I have tryed changing API Keys... I have tryed to use a normal station hanger, Corp office hanger and pos hanger... It will not show me components in stock... Any ideas of what im doing wrong?
Hi Superdark Sorry for the late answer, but i have been without Internet for a month or so now. I will try to check what could be wrong, but just to be sure, i would like to be sure which material you are referring to. What you dont get is the T2 component like Fusion Reactor Unit and so on? or is it the material to build those?
Beautiful tool and it was working well for me while I was in our WH. But I can't get my corp station assets to populate on the materials in stock section of the spreadsheet now that I've switched over to a HS station. The tool keeps pulling my personal assets and not the corporate assets. Can you help me figure out what I'm doing wrong? I have all options set on my director API that I use.
Hi Mathew Sounds strange that the HS station asset wont show. do you see this problem in all the tools or which one of the production tools are you using?
Hey thanks for an awsome spreadsheet. What i would like to have is somewhere you can add your own materials "in stock" since api wont work if you have sorted your items into containers.
Hi Triod Im sorry bit that I wont be having a manual in stock function in the tool anytime soon. It is either one or the other, so im afraid i cant do what you are asking.
Would it be possible to release another version of the tool. Eg one "offline" and one "online" version. Eg. offline wont have api support at all. Anyways thanks for your time to answer these questions.
Hi Yes, I will very soon upload a version that includes all the industrial changes to come this ssummer I had I fixed already when they decided to split the patch in to two (June & july) so I didn't want to roll back what I had already done.
Greetings! Your industrial tool is fantastic! I am having on difficulty though. It was working fine for me last night (7/10/2014) and populated the minerals I had on the T1 Production Sheet. It is now not updating them at all.
I'm looking at the manual, and the manual shows I can enter the materials I have manually - but they are locked fields. What am i doing wrong? (I have it set as a trusted document and all macros are enabled as far as I can tell)
amazing tool, great job! Are you planning to insert the ME bonuses from the 0-Sec-Outposts as well? I'm producing at an Amarrian Outpost with 2x -5% ME bonus, so the material need in the table is not exactly the same as ingame. would be lovely to see in the next update!
Hi Robin Yes that will be in a future version, it has already been implemented in the T1 Rig and Capital production Tool. And all the backup files has been prepared for this feature. I cant say exact when all tools will be updated, but ill keep working on it.
In T2 items, I noticed that Neutron Blaster Cannon II does not show the required Morphite. This is true on version 16,7. I verified in game that Morphite is required. I have not gone through and found all the things that Morphite is missing on, but I'm guessing that it is all the same issue.
Hi Michael Thanks for helping making the tool better, I have now added Morphite to the Neutron Blaster Cannon II production and will upload a new version very soon. Thanks
and now i have a question , is there a chance to enter the "In Stock" value manual ?!
i have not all the minerals in my hangar , or allready builded cap parts or T2 Parts i have them sorted in containers , and with the API Thing you cant look inside the containers.
Hi Benny There is no way to enter the in stock manually, it is either one or the other in excel, or you will destroy the formulas in the cells. So in stock can only be updated via the API asset, in the current version.
There seems to be a problem with the latest version of your spreadsheet, v16.7.3 All the columns for inputting your current mineral/salvage stock are blue (uneditable) and the API isn't seeing the cache of minerals I have sitting in my hangar at Elonaya.
Is there any advice you can give me to get this going?
I love the utility but I need more characters than what the utility currently supports. Any possibility of getting the number of characters supported increased?
Hey Dedaf thangs again for a wondefull tool ....i noticed a little somthing in the t2 ship production sheet in the component area wher you put the outpost ME % ... If you are using the Thukker Component Assembly Array you get up to 15% bonus .... Thangs again
Hey So what you are saying is that, you can get BP ME-10 and additional ME-15 on the outpost module? As of rig now you can set BP ME at -10 and outpost at -5, is that the -15ME you mean?
Hmmm how to answer best way possible... The outpost bonuses for a Thukker Component Assembly Array (can only be ancored in lowsec) =
Activity bonuses: 25% reduction in manufacturing required time 15% reduction in manufacturing required materials
A basic Commonent Assembly Array has 2% bonus to required materials this one has 15%... In the current spreadsheet you can only set outpost ME to 0 -> -5%. I am missing the option to be able to set the commponent outpost ME to 0 -> -15 or 0, -2, -15.
eeehh sorry for the hassle... just found out that the Thukker Component Assembly Array can only be used for capital and advanced capital component production.... nm... ;) sorry i should of seen that b4 i wrote somthing here..
There can be many reasons why your characters are not loaded, please make sure you have a excel version that supports micros, and try to check the FAQ's for how to setup the API.
The tool is already locked, so it has nothing to do with the API update.
I was trying to use the T2 Ship Invention sheet for inventing a Prospect. The Venture or Prospect does not show up in the list. The Prospect does show in the T2 Ships production tab.
just got your update looks great and work better that 14.6 lol. see when I up date my skill I get id no. other than the tex name of the skill is there a way to ket the skill names other than the id no.
Hi David The skill tree does not include the skill name, so to get that, i would have to do more lookups, which wouldnt really add to the tool. If you want to try to change your skills, then use the test character (3rd character) in the data sheet, here you can set the skills as you want and i have put the skills names for you.
Hi there, i'm using this since a couple of days. Somehow i can't import the skills (while i have 2007pro). So i was trying to set my skills manually. Sadly i cannot change them since those rows are locked. Where can i set them manually ?
Hi Talbot If you for some reason can not update the skills via the API, then you can manually enter the skill under the test character. There you have the skill names, for easy management.
I am also getting an error trying to use the sheet in Excel 2013. Are you willing to share the password to the sheet? I am only interested in using it locally.
Otherwise this is a fantastic sheet. Is there a possibility of it being ported over to google sheets? I undrestand there is scripting in here.
Hi Albert Im still maintaining when i get a request. The problem is that I cant log in to the game to see that stats of the Item, so if i dont get the exact name of the Item or ship what is missing, then its a bit difficult for me to add it.
But please let me know if there are things missing ad give me the exact name, then ill add them.
Hello, great tool but I have some questions about T2 item production. Sheet does not seem to take into account ME levels, eg. i need 3 Morphite 3 Robotics 5 Quantum Microprocessor With 10 run T2 BPC it should be 29/29/49 but it says 30/30/50 Am I missing something? Also for same item in shopping list it lists needed components for Quantum Microprocessor but I want to buy finished unit?
I am producing Rapid Light Missle Luncher 2 in POS with 10 run t2 BPCs. Also Is there a way to get datacores to shopping list but in A way that takes int account invention success rate? Eg. 100 Warrior II with 50% invention need 20/20 datacores (They would need 20 invention attempts to get 10 T2 BPCs on avg. needed to produce 100 warrior IIs)
In 16,8,4, the price calculation for the Tech3 Destroyers is wrong. It seems you are calcaluting Neurovisual Output Analyzers into the price which are not used it all, otherwise the 200mil a hull your sheet calculates I have no clue where it could come from. In general, you seem to have changed the calculation of the price only for Hull 1, as all the others still show the same (T3 Cruiser) prices in the Build Price Columns.
Otherwise, awesome tool, thank you for that!!! Love that you even import my belongings from my char which is super usefull in wh space.
Hi Markus Thanks for the information, it does seem like i forgot to update the other slots. Also as you say the build price is off. So I will correct this in the next version. Question, What is the build price of the cruisers and destroyers? just so i have an idea if im hitting the right target.
I noticed because most of the ores now have no more then 2 mineral types but the tool still showed 4 types on Arkonor for example which no longer contains Zydrine.
these numbers are for every 100 units or 1 compressed ore so 100 units of mercoxit contain 300 units of morphite and 1 compressed mercoxit contains 300 also
Hey dedaf, can you just confirm the calcuations for hedbergite vitiric, it shows with my all 5's its better isk per hour then ABC ore, but on https://www.fuzzwork.co.uk/ore/ its showing something completly different
Office365 is just Microsofts rebranding of Microsoft Office as a package, combining offline and online into one. It uses Office 2016 as of its last update. Which sadly doesn't seem to work with the sheet anymore either. I know they did changes to how VBS/VBA work in it which could be causing the issue.
Hi dedaf... Thank you again for a wonderfull tool ... Im missing the new t2 command destroyers Bifrost, magnus, stork and pointfex.. any plans of adding those??
Hi Shaddow I will see if i can find the BP information and add them as soon as possible. Thanks for letting me know the names, it makes it easier for me to add.
Hello Maybe you could find someone to continue the sheet if you no longer play or maybe you could open it and give it to the community of player. Some kind of legacy.
I have gained access to the unprotected sheet. If you are willing to continue Dedaf's legacy and improve/update the tool please mail me in-game: Ayeren Silversmith
Hello Defdaf, ou bonjour ?
ReplyDeleteThank you for this excel spreadsheet !!! very usefull..
I found errors in some BPO.. how could I correct them ???
For the afterburner 1nm and for the antimater charge S
is there a way I can update the bill of materials ?
Thank you !!!!
Bulle Paradize
Hi Bulle
DeleteIm unsure which error it is that you have found? you can not self correct it, but let me know which error it is, then i will make sure to correct it in the next version.
Then you ask if you can update the bill of material? Yes, you can update them from Eve-centeal, by clicking Update. if you are using an old excel or OpenOffice, then your only option is to manually enter the prices. You do that in the DATA sheet in this tool.
Hey there. Everything seems fine except I get "materials in stock" 0 on everything. Any ideas? Character and skills etc loads fine.
DeleteItem are not imported via the API key, only characters and skills.
very time i try to open it it say it needs to repaired then i get this report.
ReplyDeleteRemoved Part: /xl/vbaProject.bin part. (Visual Basic for Applications (VBA))
I believe you do not have a Excel 2003pro,2007pro or 2010Pro. this tool wont work in None-Pro excel or OpenOffice.
ReplyDeleteDedaf its a really awesome excel ark you made. WE really enjoy it to the max.
ReplyDeleteWe have a couple or more, that uses the ark on their macbooks, but it cannot update the prizes, even though they uses microsoft excel for mac.
It gives error massage: Run-time error ´438´ objects doesn´t support this property or method.
Is it possible for you to look into it?
TY for a great excel ark
It is not the first time i hear of this problem, but i never hear anyone saying that they found a solution to it. My guess is that the VBA used in office for a Real computer, is different than in a macbook.
ReplyDeleteI do not have a Mac, so i have no way of testing it i'm afraid.
rgr cheers, i will pass the info to the ladies, who uses that.. thanks for taking your time :)
ReplyDeleteHi o/
ReplyDeleteThanks for your awesome spreadsheet, it's really useful ;)
I'm running into a weird issue, in the T2_Items sheet, the produktions need numbers are not matching my manual calculations.
For exemple : http://i.imgur.com/yuOhV.png
Still new to industry, maybe there are some hidden mechanism i'm not aware of, but if you could look into it, it'll be great :p
Thanks o/
Hi Antoine
ReplyDeleteIt would be simple if it was like that, but there are so many factors playing in here. I think the difference you see is because of the RAM. you only only use somewhere from 60-95% of them, therefore the minerals are not exactly *36
ReplyDeleteI had an error saying "The Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macros in this workbook are corrupted and have been deleted. The macro corruption most likely exists in the current file. To recoiver the macros, open a backup copy of this file if you have one."
solution should anyone get this error is that your VBA component in Excel is not installed. You need to install it from the 'customize installation' option in your office install (add/remove components)- this should allow macro's to work.
thanks for sharing
DeleteIs there any way I could get an open source VBA script? I wouldn't use it for publishing but I am a decent VBA programmer and would like to do some custom things but don't want to have to redo what you have done if you're willing to share.
ReplyDeleteI keep getting the run-time error 2147217376 (80041020)and i have tried the fix in the FAQ section a few times but to no avail, it also says underneath the runtime error - XML Parse Error. The program was working fine for me yesterday but since i upgraded to windows 8 this is all i have been getting.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear that Windows 8 is making the sheet fail. I do not have win8 so i can not help with this problem.
ReplyDeleteHi. Under T2 items, co-processor II does not seem to show the correct items. i.e. it is missing Oscillator capacitor unit and photon microprocessor from the bill of materials
ReplyDeleteHi Simon
ReplyDeleteI just uploaded a new version, that has the correction to the T2 co-processor.
That's great, thanks for making the change so quickly.
ReplyDeleteHi Dedaf,
ReplyDeleteI have been trying to get my characters data imported into the tool, but I consistently get an XML Parse Error.
I have used Office 2013, Office 2010 Professional, Office 2010 home and business.
I get the same error in each version.
Run-time error '-2147217376 (80041020)': XML Parse Error
Hi Smith
ReplyDeleteIts a bit strange that you get the same error in all 3 of those installations of Office. The error you get is related to the "Visual Basic for Applications" not being installed in your Office version.
If you look in the FAQ nbr 7, then you will find a solution that has helped others with the same problem you have.
I hope it will help you as well.
ReplyDeletethere is a eve server running in China,and some our guys host a market price api just the same as eve-central(http://www.ceve-market.org/api/marketstat)
is there any possible a China version tool released?maybe just api domain need be changed.
ReplyDeleteit didnt take as long to add as i expected. So you will have the option to select the eve-central server or China server, in the release i upload for Odyssey next week.
The China server option worked ~
DeleteIt's just that the price not seems very close to the market,maybe because the China version market is much smaller than global sever made the difference...
some price displayed as 0.00 ,i don't know the api problem or the sample mistake..
DeleteIt is as you say that the China market are too small. It is not a problem with the sheet or the API, there are just simply no statistic data to collect.
Hey Dedaf,
ReplyDeleteFirst let me say THANK YOU!!!! I just found your Industrial Tool, and let me tell you - for a new player like myself, this is truly a magnificent tool (I can only imagine how powerful it is in the hands of someone who actually know what he's doing).
One question though, and I may be doing something wrong here, I don't know: I want to build a frigate, so I go out and buy a BPC. I have some of the materials needed in the station hangar, so I enter what I have in T1 Production sheet under Minerals in stock. The numbers get crunched, stuff gets filled in. All ok so far. The Build price also gets filled in, BUT without taking into consideration the stuff I already have (as if I have nothing, and have to buy everything off market). When I type in the Sell Price, the profit margin is tiny, and unrealistic (whatever I paid for the missing minerals was not that expensive after all).
Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks for taking the time to answer,
Tiberiu D.
HI Tiberiu
ReplyDeletethere could be more than one reason to the high build price you are seeing.
But to me it sounds as if you count the minerals in you hangar as value=0
As you could sell those minerals, then they do have a value. So the tool always give you the build price based on all minerals needed to build the ship or item. The build price is based on the material price selected, which can be either: Own, Sell, Buy or Avg.
The last 3 are imported from eve-central, and are sometimes not very accurate, so for you to get the most correct and accurate build price, then i would advice you to find out what you could sell/buy the minerals at, and and put that material price in the Data sheed under OWN price,and then base production build price on that. I write sell or buy price above, as you can find 1mill forum posts, where people ague if it is more correct to use one or the other, to calculate the build price.
I wont try to convince you buy or sell price, as you will make money as long as you sell the item for more than the price you bought the minerals at.
I hope this helped you out.
Hi dedaf,
ReplyDeletefirst thx for this great tool.
But i get at "pop_Production" when i do "update" a error:
"Laufzeitfehler '9' - Index out of range
do you know, what i do wrong?
MfG Sheynja
ReplyDeleteI have never seen that error before.
Try to download the sheet again and see if you still get it.
Or contact me in game and let see what we can find.
Hi Dedaf,
ReplyDeleteI'm still getting MVB run time error 2147217376. I've tried follow FAQ 7 but it's not working. I'm using Microsoft office 2013 if that makes any differents.
Been using your app now for a few years, have to just say great work man keep it up! Hopefully you can get this problem solved seem alot of people are getting it.
ReplyDeleteI have just uploaded a new version that should have removed the error 2147217376.
The error seems to be because of a change CCP did to the API system, on the 24th of June.
Before if you had a blank or incorrect API in the Data sheet, you would just get a blank character lookup. But now after the change CCP did, you get an error message. This is what excel doesnt like.
So i have now added a string, that ignore this kind of error.
So please download the latest version, this should remove the problem you are seeing.
ReplyDeleteis it compatible of OFFICE 2013pro?
one of our guys meets xml error with the latest version (15.1.9a)using office 2013pro.
is there anyone have the same error?
ReplyDeletei have looked at the FAQ
and have followed 7 and i am still getting a parse error
i am using windows 7 and 64bit excel
cheers sennett
ReplyDeleteSounds strange. Contact me in game, and lets see what we can find.
Hi thangs again for a wonderful tool. I gues you have a lot of correcting and finnishing do do each time ccp expands.. and i just want to say how mutch that is aprishiated. I notised a litte miscalculation on the Widow.. The Capital Jump Drive Component is missing..
And i wasnt being presis inugh its on the latest version 15,4,8
DeleteHi SuperDark
DeleteI have now added the Jump Drive to the T2 Ship production, so you should now get a more correct build price, for the black ops ships.
Thanks for helping making the tool better, by reporting this issue.
ReplyDeleteYes it seem i have missed something on those ships.
Will have to reconfigure the tool for adding those extra components.
I hope i can have it in the next version.
thanks for reporting this.
Ty ... Hope this is what the forum is for..and i hope i dont give you to mutch truble... I love your tool i am using it frequently for my production..
ReplyDeleteI have some error using office 2013 and windows 7 64bit.
I cane send print screen
great tool thank you, on the T3 production it is setting the price of melted nanoribbions a 1 isk, is there a way to fix it, the data screen is correct.
DeleteNo there isnt much to do about it, its a bug in the statistic from Eve-Central.
All you can do is to use Own price, and enter the price statistic manually.
To improve the market statistik, you can install the EVE Central Market Uploader: http://dev.eve-central.com/contribtastic/start
DeleteHow do I do that? the sheet is locked?
ReplyDeleteyou go to the data sheet, here you have all price information. And here you can enter your own price
Deletehey Dedaf the "ORE" page, the math seems off. Did it get up dated with Odyssey I see that the "Ore Mining" page is updated.
ReplyDeleteHi Dark
DeleteYes the Ore To Mine tool, should be up to date with Odyssey. This tool is linked directly to the Ore mining sheet, so the numbers should be right.
But since you asked, I some time to check it up. doing so made me come up with another way to calculate which ore to mine.
So keep en eye out for the next release, as it has a better calculator.
But please let me know what it is you think is not correct? an ill see if i can fix it,
On T2 Items TAB > Turrets_and_bays > Laser_wepons >
ReplyDeleteMedium Beam and Medium pulse they are no longer in game
and we have now Small Focused Beam and Pulse. Name change by ccp?
...the mats seems ok
i will see if there have been a name change i didnt see earlier.
DeleteThanks for the hint, i have corrected the names and they will be correct in the next version.
DeleteData TAB > Backup Evrything it give an err:
ReplyDeleteRun-Time error '13': Type mismatch
I apreciate your work
try to go to capital production and clear the cargo field, then make a new backup.
DeleteWill you even add a capital compression tool that will say tell us if we want to build a ME5 Nyx how many t1 mods will need to be build to have the least waste?
ReplyDeleteI have been working on a compression sheet, but i have never found a way to make it, to be fully satisfied. So I'm sure at some point i will have a release, but there are no time frame.
ReplyDeleteI just started with this spreadsheet and I am having some trouble. On the Data sheet, after entering my API key and KeyID info, I get "Runtime Error 1004. The password you supplied is not correct.
The spreadsheet imports my character information correctly (from what I can see). Have I missed something in the configuration. I and using Excel 2013 so I'm not sure if that is the problem.
Thanks in advance,
I have had people commenting about this issue in 2013.
DeleteSome say that you shouldn't use the "update all" or was it "Restore all" function. Maybe you could test if you can locate when it goes wrong. I would also be very interested in getting a copy of the sheet you have with the Runtime Error 1004, to see if i will get the same error when i open it, and maybe that way find out how to solve it.
I do not have 2013 myself, so its difficult for me to investigate this error.
But please send me a mail ingame, then we can exchange e-mails, so i can get a copy of the broken file.
It seems to be a bug in Excel 2013, related to password protected sheets. You can read more about it here: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/26dc05a3-f272-4292-91cb-688a3fc5200b/excel-vba-containing-passwords-is-failing-2013?forum=exceldev
DeleteI will see if i can modify my tool to get around this Excel bug. I will let you know when i upload a version with the modification.
I have just uploaded version 15,9,5a. It is just a minor change, that i have done, to see if 2013 users are still getting the password error.
DeleteCould you try it out, and let me know if you are still getting the same error?
After getting more reports of the runtime 1004 password error, i have been doing a more extensive test of the tool, and found a problem with some of the market price update keys, for example in the Station, T3 and Capital tool. The errors should now be corrected in version 16.0.7
DeleteRemove All passwords from the tool would fix alot of problems especially when debugging
DeleteIt is posible to import the mats from a specified station corp hangar and not from personal hangar?
ReplyDeleteYes in the next version, but you will need a CORP APIkey, and your character need to be director or CEO.
DeleteI will soon upload the version that support Corp office and POS hangars.
you can now download version support all hangar types, like Character hangar, Corp Office and Corp POS hangars.
nice :), thank you.
ReplyDeleteBest indy tool.
downloaded the version, after restore all, i did update all and when update have been finished all buttons have gone ( in "Data" tab )
ReplyDeleteI verified the "T2 items" i can select character then station or From: some pos module and then some division, but i cant select From: 'as station where the corp have office"
Strange why the keys would disappear..
DeleteYou need to have a corp APIkey, and your character need to be director or CEO, to be able to import Corp hangars. See FAQ5 for how it is created.
i do have a full corp api key with ceo access
DeleteI have just uploaded a version that correct the problem with the buttons being moved down in the Data sheet when importing corp asset.
DeleteDedaf the tool looks quite promising but I simply cannot get the data import to work.
ReplyDeleteI keep getting the same run-time error Run-time error '-2147217376 (80041020)': XML Parse Error
I am running windows 7 X64 MS office 2007 Pro.- i updated it all
I tried using FAQ 7 but the message says that the VBA will be INSTALLED even when you select to uninstall it. I did three different complete re-installs to verify and no matter what I cannot get it to pull any data.
I checked my firewall, looked at the website calls but it just does not seem to want to collect any data.
When I leave the options empty I get a run-time error 13.
Any thoughts?
Is there a problem with the market price update ?
ReplyDeleteThe prices are not the same as in eve-central.
For example:
On eve-central the sell in Jita for platinum is 4992.64
On the sheet it shows 5529.00
Buy order for Platinum in Jita is 4803.99
The sheet shows 4127.72
I have import set to System - Jita
Or is there something else I am overlooking ?
DeleteIt depends on which value you use from the feed.
This is the eve-central feed for Platinum: http://www.eve-central.com/api/marketstat?typeid=3727
My tool use the "median" as I have found, they are the closest to the ingame prices. It could seem that the other statistic you referr to is using the "avg" price.
My mistake. I was looking at the pos production tab.
DeleteI had sellected the avg. price.
Is it possible to change the sheet so you can select the price at the material level.
Now you only can change the price at the fuel need calculator. This will change the material price as well.
I want to change the Raw materials price to buy price and the Complex Reactions to sell price.
PS. Sorry for my bad english
You could also help Eve-central, by uploasing market statistic from your region. You can download the market uploader here: http://dev.eve-central.com/contribtastic/start
DeleteNo problem glad you got it sorted.
ReplyDeleteSure, i will see if i can have that option in the next version.
Hello and thank you for all of the work.
ReplyDeleteI really like the idea of how it automatically grabs your inventory, and also the new shopping list. I have a problem with the inventory though, as it fails to grab my T2 components. For example, in my main station I have Minerals and several T2 ship components such as Gravimetric Sensor Clusters. The sheet picks up my Minerals, but not the Sensor Clusters. I can get Hypersynaptic Fibers to appear if I widen the scope to all stations, but not if I use the station where I actually have them. Since I can no longer manually enter how many I have, it is making production harder. My API has Asset List checked, and it is obviously picking up some of my inventory, just not all of it.
Can you help? I am using v. 16,0,7.
DeleteI have looked in to the problem, and it seems there was a bug in the typeID lookup in the T2 Ship production. I have corrected this bug and uploaded version 16.1
Please try to download that one and see if it works for you.
Let me know how it goes?
16,1 does fix it for the Construction Components. But it still seems to be broken for "Composites" such as Crystalline Carbonide and Ferrogel. Though that may be because I moved those components to my item hanger and then updated the sheet immediately. Maybe the API needs longer to catch up.
DeleteAlso, the text that appears above the status bar has a misspelled word. It should be "being" instead of "beeing".
I am a bit unsure which sheet you are referring to, is it only the T2 Ship production Tool? Have you tried if it works in the T2 Item tool?
DeleteSince it works when you set it to All Stations, then the lookup does work. I'm thinking, maybe you have things all over in space? at this moment i only support up to 50 personal stations.
In the Data sheet you can see the personal and Corp hangar cache timer, so if you moved your things around, then it can take up to 6 hours for them to appear.
The spelling mistake, in which tool is that?
I just did some more investigation in to this problem and it turns out, that you could run in to the problem you describe with lag of item import if you are using a character on you 2nd API.
DeleteI will have to do alot of changes to all the Tools, that are using asset import, so i dont know when i will upload a version with the fix. but i will let you know when i have it ready.
For now try to swop the two API keys, to see if it solves the problem at hand?
The spreadsheet is amazing. Thank you. Do you ever take requests from the community to work on other sheets? I would really like some help setting up a trading sheet and would be willing to pay isk or rl currency for it.
DeleteIm glad you like the tool.
Yes I always like to see or listen to good ideas, that is how the invention tool and shopping list was created.
So if you have a basic sheet to show me, then that would be great. Then i can see if its something i want to implement. As I cant promise, that I will build it, but I'm always up to a talk.
Hi. The file looks awsome, but I can not enter my API in to it. It says the cells are looked. Any ideas?
ReplyDeleteThat is strange, cells D3-D5 and D8-D9 and D13-D15 are all unlocked.
DeleteAnd now for some reason its working. Sorry for the trouble. Seems it helped to close it and open again.
ReplyDeletethanks for super fast reply!!
is there a way to manual put in the minerals(in stock numbers) i find it realy non functional that its only api based since i have multiple stashes around eve on diferrent corps
ReplyDeletealso with the compresion tool it would be cool to add a block where you can write down the number of items you already have in stock
DeleteIm afraid it is only API update for now, maybe at some point it will be possible to do both.
About your idea for the compression too. Its a very good point, i will see if i can add it for future version.
Hey Dedaf,nice work as always.
ReplyDeleteWhat can't seem to find is where I have to look when I want to calculate materials for fuel blocks. Are these in there? And if so, where do I find them?
Thanks in advance.
You will find the Fuel Block production in the PI Production Tool. Scroll down a bit in the tool, then you find the production slots.
DeleteCool, thanks.
ReplyDeleteHey Dedaf Thangs again for a wonderfull tool... I seam to have a little issue with assets..Under T2 ship production (Vargur or any T2 ship) I get the Ore Minerals in stock assets and adv. Moon Minerals in stock imported from api key, but not the Components in stock...I am Using a Character that is a Director and have both corp and character full API key in the data sheet... I have tryed changing API Keys... I have tryed to use a normal station hanger, Corp office hanger and pos hanger... It will not show me components in stock... Any ideas of what im doing wrong?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteCorrection; I do get R.A.M Starship Tech, Construction Blocks and Capital Jump Drive But the adv. moon components and the T1 Hull i dont.
DeleteHi Superdark
DeleteSorry for the late answer, but i have been without Internet for a month or so now.
I will try to check what could be wrong, but just to be sure, i would like to be sure which material you are referring to.
What you dont get is the T2 component like Fusion Reactor Unit and so on? or is it the material to build those?
yes it's the t2 components like fusion reactor unit, ladar sensor cluster, magpulse thruster, linear shield emitter and so on.
DeleteOk, now i see it, i have corrected the error and will upload a new version very soon.
DeleteThanks for helping making the tool better.
DeleteBeautiful tool and it was working well for me while I was in our WH. But I can't get my corp station assets to populate on the materials in stock section of the spreadsheet now that I've switched over to a HS station. The tool keeps pulling my personal assets and not the corporate assets. Can you help me figure out what I'm doing wrong? I have all options set on my director API that I use.
ReplyDeleteHi Mathew
DeleteSounds strange that the HS station asset wont show. do you see this problem in all the tools or which one of the production tools are you using?
Hey thanks for an awsome spreadsheet.
ReplyDeleteWhat i would like to have is somewhere you can add your own materials "in stock" since api wont work if you have sorted your items into containers.
Hi Triod
DeleteIm sorry bit that I wont be having a manual in stock function in the tool anytime soon. It is either one or the other, so im afraid i cant do what you are asking.
Would it be possible to release another version of the tool.
DeleteEg one "offline" and one "online" version. Eg. offline wont have api support at all. Anyways thanks for your time to answer these questions.
Awesome tool! Any chance for an upgrade to include the Prospect in T2 Production?
ReplyDeleteYes, I will very soon upload a version that includes all the industrial changes to come this ssummer
I had I fixed already when they decided to split the patch in to two (June & july) so I didn't want to roll back what I had already done.
ReplyDeleteYour industrial tool is fantastic! I am having on difficulty though. It was working fine for me last night (7/10/2014) and populated the minerals I had on the T1 Production Sheet. It is now not updating them at all.
I'm looking at the manual, and the manual shows I can enter the materials I have manually - but they are locked fields. What am i doing wrong? (I have it set as a trusted document and all macros are enabled as far as I can tell)
Never Mind - there was an additional security issue with Win 7. I have fixed it.
DeleteHey Dedarf,
ReplyDeleteamazing tool, great job!
Are you planning to insert the ME bonuses from the 0-Sec-Outposts as well? I'm producing at an Amarrian Outpost with 2x -5% ME bonus, so the material need in the table is not exactly the same as ingame. would be lovely to see in the next update!
Hi Robin
DeleteYes that will be in a future version, it has already been implemented in the T1 Rig and Capital production Tool. And all the backup files has been prepared for this feature.
I cant say exact when all tools will be updated, but ill keep working on it.
Excellent tool, and thank you for the work.
ReplyDeleteIn T2 items, I noticed that Neutron Blaster Cannon II does not show the required Morphite. This is true on version 16,7. I verified in game that Morphite is required. I have not gone through and found all the things that Morphite is missing on, but I'm guessing that it is all the same issue.
Hi Michael
DeleteThanks for helping making the tool better, I have now added Morphite to the Neutron Blaster Cannon II production and will upload a new version very soon.
ReplyDeletei am using your Tool since a few days.
and now i have a question , is there a chance to enter the "In Stock" value manual ?!
i have not all the minerals in my hangar , or allready builded cap parts or T2 Parts
i have them sorted in containers , and with the API Thing you cant look inside the containers.
can you help me with this ?
greets Benny
Hi Benny
DeleteThere is no way to enter the in stock manually, it is either one or the other in excel, or you will destroy the formulas in the cells. So in stock can only be updated via the API asset, in the current version.
ReplyDeleteThere seems to be a problem with the latest version of your spreadsheet, v16.7.3 All the columns for inputting your current mineral/salvage stock are blue (uneditable) and the API isn't seeing the cache of minerals I have sitting in my hangar at Elonaya.
Is there any advice you can give me to get this going?
Seems to work now in v16.7.4 thanks :-)
DeleteI love the utility but I need more characters than what the utility currently supports. Any possibility of getting the number of characters supported increased?
ReplyDeleteHey Dedaf thangs again for a wondefull tool ....i noticed a little somthing in the t2 ship production sheet in the component area wher you put the outpost ME % ... If you are using the Thukker Component Assembly Array you get up to 15% bonus .... Thangs again
DeleteSo what you are saying is that, you can get BP ME-10 and additional ME-15 on the outpost module?
As of rig now you can set BP ME at -10 and outpost at -5, is that the -15ME you mean?
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteHmmm how to answer best way possible...
DeleteThe outpost bonuses for a Thukker Component Assembly Array (can only be ancored in lowsec) =
Activity bonuses:
25% reduction in manufacturing required time
15% reduction in manufacturing required materials
A basic Commonent Assembly Array has 2% bonus to required materials this one has 15%...
In the current spreadsheet you can only set outpost ME to 0 -> -5%.
I am missing the option to be able to set the commponent outpost ME to 0 -> -15 or 0, -2, -15.
eeehh sorry for the hassle... just found out that the Thukker Component Assembly Array can only be used for capital and advanced capital component production.... nm... ;) sorry i should of seen that b4 i wrote somthing here..
DeleteThanks for the information, i will update the Capital production tool, to allow up to -15%ME for the components.
DeleteIs it possible to use Faction component array with your sheet? it gives additional 15% bonus to required materials for capital components
ReplyDeleteYes it will be in the next version.
Woop, thanks bro
DeleteHeya, Me again.
ReplyDeleteI am trying to enter my api into the sheet and its not reading my characters.
Also, it locks the sheet and when I try to make the excel file unprotected, it asks for a password.
There can be many reasons why your characters are not loaded, please make sure you have a excel version that supports micros, and try to check the FAQ's for how to setup the API.
DeleteThe tool is already locked, so it has nothing to do with the API update.
I was trying to use the T2 Ship Invention sheet for inventing a Prospect.
ReplyDeleteThe Venture or Prospect does not show up in the list.
The Prospect does show in the T2 Ships production tab.
DeleteI guess i forgot to add the Prospect to the invention tool, ill make sure its in the next update.
just got your update looks great and work better that 14.6 lol.
ReplyDeletesee when I up date my skill I get id no. other than the tex name of the skill is there a way to ket the skill names other than the id no.
Hi David
DeleteThe skill tree does not include the skill name, so to get that, i would have to do more lookups, which wouldnt really add to the tool.
If you want to try to change your skills, then use the test character (3rd character) in the data sheet, here you can set the skills as you want and i have put the skills names for you.
Can do the same for Russian content?
ReplyDeleteIt seems there were a lot of changes in Rhea patch on T3 production.
Could you please advise how i can change the input materials and qty for subsystems and hulls ?
Hi there, i'm using this since a couple of days. Somehow i can't import the skills (while i have 2007pro). So i was trying to set my skills manually. Sadly i cannot change them since those rows are locked. Where can i set them manually ?
ReplyDeleteHi Talbot
DeleteIf you for some reason can not update the skills via the API, then you can manually enter the skill under the test character.
There you have the skill names, for easy management.
Hi guys where is NANITE REPAIR PASTE i cant find it please help
ReplyDeleteI am also getting an error trying to use the sheet in Excel 2013. Are you willing to share the password to the sheet? I am only interested in using it locally.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise this is a fantastic sheet. Is there a possibility of it being ported over to google sheets? I undrestand there is scripting in here.
hi dedaf are you still doing work on the sheet or has it fully stopped
ReplyDeletedoes anybody also have trouble with corp assets i tryed severl time,s and it just wont pull assets and sutch
DeleteHi Albert
DeleteIm still maintaining when i get a request. The problem is that I cant log in to the game to see that stats of the Item, so if i dont get the exact name of the Item or ship what is missing, then its a bit difficult for me to add it.
But please let me know if there are things missing ad give me the exact name, then ill add them.
wel i gladly sponsor you a plex to have some ingame time just yell
ReplyDeleteHi albert
DeleteThat is super nice of you, i would like that.
Im sure i can add alot of the new features over a month time.
Hello, great tool but I have some questions about T2 item production. Sheet does not seem to take into account ME levels, eg. i need
ReplyDelete3 Morphite
3 Robotics
5 Quantum Microprocessor
With 10 run T2 BPC it should be 29/29/49 but it says 30/30/50
Am I missing something?
Also for same item in shopping list it lists needed components for Quantum Microprocessor but I want to buy finished unit?
I am producing Rapid Light Missle Luncher 2 in POS with 10 run t2 BPCs.
ReplyDeleteAlso Is there a way to get datacores to shopping list but in A way that takes int account invention success rate? Eg. 100 Warrior II with 50% invention need 20/20 datacores (They would need 20 invention attempts to get 10 T2 BPCs on avg. needed to produce 100 warrior IIs)
New version has been uploaded, with the corrections to the T3 production and adding of new ships though out the tool.
ReplyDeleteIn 16,8,4, the price calculation for the Tech3 Destroyers is wrong. It seems you are calcaluting Neurovisual Output Analyzers into the price which are not used it all, otherwise the 200mil a hull your sheet calculates I have no clue where it could come from. In general, you seem to have changed the calculation of the price only for Hull 1, as all the others still show the same (T3 Cruiser) prices in the Build Price Columns.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise, awesome tool, thank you for that!!! Love that you even import my belongings from my char which is super usefull in wh space.
Hi Markus
DeleteThanks for the information, it does seem like i forgot to update the other slots. Also as you say the build price is off.
So I will correct this in the next version.
Question, What is the build price of the cruisers and destroyers? just so i have an idea if im hitting the right target.
I have just uploaded a new version, see if the T3 tool is working better now?
Hey Dedaf,
ReplyDeleteLove your tool, but can you update the ore-mineral values? or tell me how to do it myself?
I really need my numbers crunched as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance!
have they changed the mineral value of ore again? didnt see that anywhere. could you point me the the post?
DeleteIts in the patch notes right here: http://community.eveonline.com/news/patch-notes/patch-notes-for-mosaic
Deletehappy to help
I noticed because most of the ores now have no more then 2 mineral types but the tool still showed 4 types on Arkonor for example which no longer contains Zydrine.
Deleteplease please update this, so sad to hear you are steping away from eve
DeleteThanks for the link, do you know if those numbers are for compressed or for one batch of standard ore?
Deletethese numbers are for every 100 units or 1 compressed ore
Deleteso 100 units of mercoxit contain 300 units of morphite and 1 compressed mercoxit contains 300 also
ah ok, simple enough then, thanks
Deleteno problem, looking forward to the update!
DeleteI have just uploaded version 16,8,7, that has the changes to mining.
Deleteplease test and see if it is ok.
Its awesome! thank you very much!
DeleteA little donation for you fine work is in your wallet ;)
DeleteI have just uploaded version 16,8,8, that also contain the changes to the manufacturing.
DeleteHey dedaf, can you just confirm the calcuations for hedbergite vitiric, it shows with my all 5's its better isk per hour then ABC ore, but on https://www.fuzzwork.co.uk/ore/ its showing something completly different
ReplyDeleteThanks, yes it seems i forgot to correct the calculation of the ore price, after changing the ore composite. it should be corrected now in 16.8.9
DeleteHey dedaf!
ReplyDeleteCan you add the ihub upgrades bpo's to the sheet?
Also add t2 item invention to the app as well :D(wishful thinking in know)
DeleteArn't they already in the Planet Interaction tool?
DeleteIf not, could you give me an example of one?
I don't have any plans for creating a T2 Item invention tool.
I think i found all the upgrades
DeleteThey are now in the 16.9.5 release, under PI production.
You're amazing thank you!
ReplyDeleteitems are a bit off http://imgur.com/vyMA87V,o4dStkq and i think most of them are slightly off
Sorry let me try again in english:
DeleteAttached is an image file of your tool showing the component list for the ihub upgrades and the following image is what its showing in game.
i only happen to notice on lvl 5 pirate array, havent check the others.
So i have checked the ore and pirate arrys and so far its only been the lvl 5 pirate array
Deleteit should be fixed in the latest version
Deletei have office 365 and when i hit update skill nothing happens at all. how to i fix this?
ReplyDeleteI cant help you there, as i do not have access to Office365 myself.
DeleteOffice365 is just Microsofts rebranding of Microsoft Office as a package, combining offline and online into one. It uses Office 2016 as of its last update. Which sadly doesn't seem to work with the sheet anymore either. I know they did changes to how VBS/VBA work in it which could be causing the issue.
DeleteHi dedaf... Thank you again for a wonderfull tool ... Im missing the new t2 command destroyers Bifrost, magnus, stork and pointfex.. any plans of adding those??
ReplyDeleteHi Shaddow
DeleteI will see if i can find the BP information and add them as soon as possible.
Thanks for letting me know the names, it makes it easier for me to add.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteDecaf just wondering are you going to update it all for the building of the citadels as well?
ReplyDeleteHey dedaf!
ReplyDeleteWill you be updating this tool and futhure? how do i change the requirements for a bpo? they removed and added material reqs for capitals
Is it possible to make the Tower ID box on the POS_Production display the tower location rather than the ID number. Hard to tell which tower is which.
Any chance to get the password to un protect the sheet.
ReplyDeleteI realize you no longer play, and I would like to be able up update the sheet's and make them available to others.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you could find someone to continue the sheet if you no longer play or maybe you could open it and give it to the community of player.
Some kind of legacy.
bearcastle IG
Hey dedaf!
ReplyDeleteWill you be Updating this tool and Future ?
Hello o/
ReplyDeleteI have gained access to the unprotected sheet. If you are willing to continue Dedaf's legacy and improve/update the tool please mail me in-game: Ayeren Silversmith
Hi, please update your help file, because the skills are not updating despite entering the eve developer security key and postman access token.
ReplyDeleteYou ever figure it out? Im stuck asa well. One of the best tools in eve. Sad to see it not working.
Deleteso is this tool broken then? i cant get the postman url to recognize in the esi application